The Arena (1973) / The Hot Box (1972) / The Barbarian Queen (1985) / TNT Jackson (1974) / Silk (1986) / The Sisterhood (1988) / Caged Heat (1974)
The Hot Box (1972) Equal parts bluntly effective action drama alternates with awkward production and performances as four nurses are kidnapped by freedom fighters and end up fighting for the revolution. Explosions and the final river battle divert interest.
The Barbarian Queen (1985) Luridly misogynistic or feminist empowerment, the argument of perspective is more interesting than the film itself. Lana Clarkson seeks revenge and to rescue her sister, a journey punctuated by bouts of violence but little humor or involvement.
TNT Jackson (1974) Though never exactly dull, a murkily made slice of blaxploitation and female empowerment that never really involves or amuses. Remembered for a topless fight, Jeannie Bell embodies the 70s groove and of course won the first (and only) Ebony Fist award!
The Sisterhood (1988) Dystopian action that infuses its desolate landscapes and explosive fights with an intriguing setup as the primal, ruling male society is threatened by women with intuitive, natural powers. Thematically confused, yet the potential resonates.
Caged Heat (1974) With its wild mix of the bracingly surreal, bluntly violent and surprisingly comic, a defiantly constructed women in prison movie, yet made with cinematic flair both visually and aurally. Jonathan Demme's directorial debut is gratuitous and good fun.