Films: September 29 - October 5

Greenland (2020)
Only The Valiant (1951)
The Battle Of Britain (1969)
The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)
Deepwater Horizon (2016)
Too Late For Tears (1949)
The Last Full Measure (2019) ///

Greenland (2020) Grounded, intense view follows gruff engineer Gerard Butler's race for survival in face of impending global doomsday from a comet striking earth. Technically polished, urgently paced, disaster movie convention eventually holds sway. Morena Baccarin provides humanity amid dark souls.

Only The Valiant (1951) Sturdy production punctuated by brutal sequences sends stoic captain Gregory Peck on suicide mission to hold pass from Apaches while dealing with own mistrustful troop. Sturdy support cast and solidly involving without rising above the surface thematically or emotionally.

The Battle Of Britain (1969) Logistically impressive, succession of British stars make fleeting impression amidst exhausting series of aerial dogfights. In telling of 1940 resistance that stifles German plans, technique remains solid and scope inclusive even while storytelling lacks inspiration. 

The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) Fast jettisoning any form of credibility and progressing through series of violent action set pieces, genial housewife Geena Davis discovers true identity as ruthless assassin. Little tension, endless one-liners, swiftly paced thrills feature gutsy cast and big explosions.

Deepwater Horizon (2016) Economic visuals and blunt narrative effectively tell events of Gulf Of Mexico disaster, clear politics of greedy John Malkovich's oil company set against Kurt Russell's safety ethics solidifying empathy. Tension successfully ratcheted up without emphasising survival heroics.

Too Late For Tears (1949) After stolen money ends up in her car, feverish Lizabeth Scott grows ever more deadly in manipulating and destroying men in her way, diving headlong into noir descent.  Tight framing accentuates moral trap, Dan Duryea and Arthur Kennedy get in the way.

The Last Full Measure (2019) Solidly if unsurprisingly structured, fine cast inhabits true story of heroism during bloody Vietnam War battle, exposing psychological wounds for survivors and political intrigue in suppressing events. Evocative Philip Klein score, moving conclusion.

Films: September 22 - 28

Atonement (2007)
Ghostbusters Afterlife (2021)
Major Barbara (1941)
Deep Water (2022)
The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers (1946)
The Girl On The Train (2016)
1917 (2019)
I'll Follow You Down (2013)
Three Little Girls In Blue (1946) ///

Atonement (2007) Immaculately conceived, and suffused with striking visuals, privileged Keira Knightly and servant James McAvoy's relationship is tested through jealousy, prejudice and war. Technically gripping, play with perspective and romantic hope ultimately breaks emotional connection.

Ghostbusters Afterlife (2021) Fluid visuals and open vistas set up intriguing extension of comedy franchise, establishing new generation while leaning on nostalgic reverberations, as Mckenna Grace discovers grandfather's supernatural secrets. Amiable sequences, yet curious lack of creative energy, 

Major Barbara (1941) Convinced Wendy Hiller is the titular Salvation Army leader who bemuses professor Rex Harrison and confronts wealthy ammunitions father Robert Morley. Formidable cast includes bullish Robert Newton, while gentle satire rails against hypocrisy with immaculate visuals and design.

Deep Water (2022) Study of fractured relationship amid stale wealth remains distinct from tale of descent into jealousy and murder, despite brooding danger of Ben Affleck. Caustic Ana de Armas is the teasing wife, production provides glossy visuals, yet misses on needed sensual thrills.

The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers (1946) Past guilt hangs heavy on DA Kirk Douglas, feelings cynically suppressed by wealthy Barbara Stanwyck until drifting Van Heflin arrives back in town. Crisply told with dark twists accentuated by ex-con Lizabeth Scott's own need to break free. 

The Girl On The Train (2016) Boldly unhinged and lost in alcoholic anguish, Emily Blunt gradually makes sense of her lost life while uncovering truth of Haley Bennett's disappearance and ex-husband's hold over Rebecca Ferguson. Edgy narrative design eventually dissipates tension.

1917 (2019) Seamless technical virtuosity packs visceral punch as British soldiers George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman race across battle ravaged French landscape to prevent doomed assault over the trenches. Compulsive viewing with fierce visuals though little lasting emotion.

I'll Follow You Down (2013) Low key sci-fi drama sees intuitive genius Haley Joel Osment discover that father Rufus Sewell's disappearance years before was due to time travel. Potential emotional resonance undercut by unnecessary exposition despite agreeable cast and satisfying conclusion.

Three Little Girls In Blue (1946) Bright and tuneful comedy, a small inheritance allows June Haver, Vivian Blaine and Vera-Ellen to leave their farm and seek out husbands in Atlantic City. Solid musical sequences, especially elaborate "You Make Me Feel So Young", compensate for final act conventions.

Films: February 17 - 23

Bbaengban (Hit-And-Run Squad) (2019)  Passengers (2016)  Man Of The West (1958)  Deadline At Dawn (1946)  Seungriho (Space Sweepers) (2...